KC Cares is there for our students' mental health, social, behavioral, and personal concerns. Peers, supporters, and colleagues are often the first to notice concerns. We have each other’s backs and want to get our wolves the help they need.
Answer the student’s call for help by following these steps:
Be Safe
Contact Campus Safety via the Campus Shield app, or call (315) 694-0268. 911 should be called if there is impending danger to the student, you, or anyone else.
Remain Calm
Take a moment to breathe deeply and calm yourself. Use a soothing tone of voice when asking questions and giving directions.
Take It Slow
If circumstances allow (i.e., you are NOT in immediate danger of physical harm), take a minute to consider your next best step.
Seek Help
You don’t have to handle this alone. Ask colleagues, peers, and other professionals for guidance and assistance.
Use Active Listening
Give the student your full attention, make eye contact, and restate the student’s words to make sure you grasp what is happening and they know you are trying to help.
Ask Simple Questions
Get the facts. It’s okay to ask someone directly if they are considering harming themselves or others, asking them doesn’t give them the idea.
Help Them Take Real Steps
Contact the Counseling Center or an academic advisor with them. Check in with them in a few days to encourage follow through with appointments and support.
Title IX Mandatory Reporting
In addition to referring a student to sources of assistance; for faculty/staff any sexual or gender-based harassment or assault mandates reporting. To report an incident, visit the Gender & Sex-Based Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Page.
For questions regarding mandated reporting, please visit this page.
There are many resources available to help students who are experiencing difficulty with academic, personal, medical, and mental health issues. The following steps can guide you to the appropriate office.
Is this student an imminent danger to themselves or others, OR do they need some other immediate assistance?
Call 911, and then contact Campus Safety at (315) 694-0268.
I am not concerned about their immediate safety at this moment. If this student is in need of support to work through academic struggles, enter an academic alert in the Student Success Portal. If this student is in need of support for mental health/personal issues, Share a Concern with the Keuka Cares Team.
The student is in my presence and showing signs of needing help but I don’t know how serious it is. I am unsure of how to help and extremely concerned about the student: Contact Health and Counseling Center at (315) 279-5368 or health@keuka.edu, Monday-Friday 8 a.m - 4:30 p.m. If after hours, contact the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988.
The student is NOT in my presence but has said or written something concerning to me; acted strangely; or appeared to be unkempt, in distress, upset, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and I want to be sure they get some help: Contact the Keuka Cares Team by Share a concern.
Encourage students to take advantage of campus resources and seek help when needed. It’s our job as an institution to break the stigma surrounding mental and emotional well-being.
There are many resources on campus that are available to students during times of distress, however, students may forget that they are there or may be reluctant to ask for help. It is important to remind students of these support services and encourage them to seek them out.
In addition to these general campus resources, there are other programs and events happening on campus or in the community. Keep your eye out for emails from college officials, encourage the utilization of the Raftr app and make sure to pass along this information to your students as you gain knowledge of them!